Thursday, January 22, 2009

Design Update

Just a few notes on design:

- There are five weapons
- Pistol, machine gun, shotgun, sniper and Mine layer/rocket launcher
- No cost to change weapons
- Weapons will take differing amounts of time change between
- Radio informs the player where the enemy is coming from for the upcoming wave
- Tutorial
- In-game tutorial will introduce the player to the controls for the game
- Players can move objects in the environment during the day and the night
- Players will be given a chance to harvest the dead when all the enemies are killed during the day
- Still thinking about the mobile-bed or tent mechanic

For the moment, these are the main design issues. There is still a sense that maybe the scope is a still a bit too big. This weekend I will be revising the GDD even further. Hopefully this will help a bit more in the scoping process. Right now, my mindset is "Make it shiny!" This will probably be quite an epic task but hopefully, by next week, I will be able to direct people to the GDD for any design related issues.

Until next time, keep trucking along people, and stay tuned for updates...


  1. Same as always Luke, break it down by Must, Should, and Nice to Have. Consider your weapons: Could you do it with just 3? Which would give you biggest bang for your buck? Consider what the AI will be doing. In a changing environment how likely are enemy snipers to be at a range that your sniper rifle can attack them more effectively than your machine gun? Could you make the machine gun and sniper rifle one weapon? (Think of the balance on Halo's Battle Rifle.)

    Mine Layer is good as it's very different from the other weapons, acts as a passive space control device. Shotgun is satisfying up close. Machine gun/sniper rifle/pistol are the most similar to each other.

    Whose turn is it to take notes at the next meeting? :)

  2. Thanks James for putting up comments and keep on giving feedback from Wellington. This is great to help the students through their last few days/weeks of pre-production.

  3. Thanks for the feedback James. The weapons are really giving me some headaches. I'll keep thinking about it. We are trying to give the player enough ways to change the environment. Grrr
