Saturday, February 28, 2009
Shotgun Grunt: I know what must be done.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Its alive......ALIVE!
First thing was the awful frame-rate we had. The game was running at 3 frames per second! We have managed to squeeze out 30 frames by fixing the updates for the scene graph and making all the physics objects kinematic during loading. We can probably squeeze out more frames by adding occluders.
The next thing was node rotation and placement. Once the game was running at 30 frames the team noticed that the orientation of the "passive" objects in the scene were all wrong. This was my fault because I was calling the node's "SetWorldRotate" instead of "SetRotate" function. Now that it is fixed, the level, although it just has placeholders, looks pretty cool.
That is what happened this week in a nutshell. To boost morale, Roy and Anthony suggested an afternoon of playing games. It worked very well and probably won't be the last time it will happen during production. Until next time, keep on keeping on, and stay tuned for updates.
Its coming along quite nicely.
Most of the major systems are online, we are only lacking a HUD and a menu system and some enemies but they are not far off. We have a level, a character and weapons as well as some basic networking functionality.
We are having issues with our frame rate, some more culling is needed.
Until next week. We will keep you posted
Tim Bewick - Week 9
Michael -Friday 27th February

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hello E!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
keep on keep'n on
Same ol', same ol'
Other than that, I have been working on loading PhysX data from the NIF files and placing these nodes into the scene graph. Everything seems to be going quite well but we are having a bit of trouble with lag.
In terms of the design, we have not had any real major problems. The GDD is alright for the moment and it has been easy enough to direct people to it when design issues do come up. Besides that everything is going quite well. We're still yet to get any real gameplay into the game but the project is coming together quite well. Until next time....stay tuned for updates.
Have had a major issue with the menu system that I'm trying to bring online due to some annoyingly difficult documentation on the input classes for gamebryo. Basically, having the academic liscence I believe may force some drastic changes to the design of certain classes due to being unable to access the supposed sample classes that gamebryo uses in their documentation/examples. Frustrating times in this area but the basics of the menu system are now online.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Code Code Code Part 2
Other than that, the project is going quite well. Unfortunately we have lost an artist for a few weeks but we should be alright
Friday, February 20, 2009
I like motorcycles
Week 8 Entry - Tame
Theres some videos on youTube here: - Reaper Run Cycles - Exploder Flare :) - Soldier Animations
Michael -Friday 20th February
This week I started modelling the Reaper Model for the first pass. I modelled, sculpted, UV Unwrap and texture the model as well as creating a spec and a normal map for the character. This part of production is scheduled to be completed next month but since I completed my previous tasks I decided to move on ahead. Also one of the more important things to happen to the art team was the loss of one of the other artists for a couple weeks. I was tasked with creating a placeholder for the Grunt character using the artwork created by Kei and had to get it done so that our animator could get to rigging up the last of the enemies. The last thing I did was draw up a new concept art piece for the Mother with the newly designed monster arm which it will use to pull itself along the ground.

Tim Bewick - Week 8
Hello E!
This week i fixed up the debug rendering of the PhysX information so now we can see object boundaries, headings, velocities etc.
I have discovered it is still very useful to use the PhysX documents when working with PhysX-Gamebryo stuff because the Gamebryo documents seem to miss the finer details when they provide sample implementation code.
I worked out how to attach the scene lights to objects so now our test character lights up correctly.
I also set up PhysX trigger sensors for our AI characters so they can detect nearby players and objects.
Worked out mathematically how to make our rocket projectile spiral after it leaves the barrel. Found out sometimes just having someone next to you to explain what you are trying to code can be all you need to come up with the answer to solving your coding problems.
Drawing diagrams can help also!
Oh and lastly all the memory leaks have been found and eliminated!
Looking forward to next week when I can crank out some more classes!
Jason - Week Eight
I managed to finish that up around tuesday after noon and decided to begin on next weeks scheduled work, which is pass 1 for all out enviromental assets, i have managed to model and unwrap seven pass 1 assets this week, screenshots will follow.
Discovered some issues with exporting maya files to .nif, there are alot of steps and options you must have checked that wernt explained, we really should have created a word document pipeline for exporting from maya to .nif, but are working it all out now, just means alot of the place holders will have to be re-exported.
Air-Con Unit:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Code, Code, Code
Monday, February 16, 2009
Build Automation and Cameras
Other than build related things, I’ve coded the camera/debug camera and been working on the debris/gore rig system. Development is pushing along.
Long TIme No Post....
My task for last week consisted of trying to get a scene rendering in Gamebryo. Now that was a task. It took quite a while. Considering it was my first real exposure to the engine, I spent alot of time looking at the Gamebryo forums and reading the documentation. I feel I learnt a bit.
Anyways, time for the daily SCRUM to begin so Im off. Stay tuned for updates.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tim Bewick - Week 7
Hello E!
Lets see how far we've come
Here is what we have working so far
- A window in Gamebryo.
- A scene loading into and rendering from Gamebryo
- A debug camera which can move around the scene
- Input
- Events firing from Lua as well as in cpp code
- A process manager for managing the order of things updating
- A clock for recording the day and night time.
- Place holders for most of the art assets.
Until next time...
Moving into production
(A real help for environment artists placing building "Gore RIG" components)
$coordinateDump = ( `internalVar -userWorkspaceDir` + "dump.txt" );
$fileId=`fopen $coordinateDump "w"`;
string $objects[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($item in $objects)
if(endsWith($item, "_G"))
select -r $item;
float $XYZ[] = `objectCenter -gl`;
fprint $fileId ($item + " ");
fprint $fileId ("[" + $XYZ[0] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[1] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[2] + "]");
fprint $fileId ("\r\n");
select -r $item;
float $XYZ[] = `objectCenter -gl`;
fprint $fileId (":");
fprint $fileId ($item + " ");
fprint $fileId ("[" + $XYZ[0] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[1] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[2] + "]");
fprint $fileId ("\r\n");
fclose $fileId;
I also moved on to some highpoly work, to get ready to cage and bake for a character

to the moon~!
Week 7 - Tame
The tasks assigned were to rig all the 5 base characters in the game, with the mother being quite a challenge. All of these have a basic working rig but none of them are weight painted bue to them just being prototypes.
Here are some of the rigs in still with a few animation vids.
Mother - approx. 70 bones
Reaper - 45 bones
Humanoid - 53 bones
Exploder - 59 bones
Jason 13th Feb - WEEK SIX

Next week will begin on a sound folder structure for sound, and begin trying to get some sound effects that could possible be used as a base for other sound effects.
Michael -Friday 13th February

The Reaper here has also been used in the kit-bashing process for its First Pass model. The newer model (Which is still a work in process in Zbrush) stays pretty similar to its initial design as it didnt require any modifications.

So thats the work for this week. To see some of these placeholders in action check out Tames recent post. Im sure hes given life to these aliens. Next week you can expect to see some Zbrush sculpts, some textures and maybe some new concept art work for the new and improved Mother.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Begin Implementation.
Not much to say here, I'll let you know how it goes down at the end of the week. Basically everyone in the programming team is working on getting the base systems up and running.
The Art team is busy making placeholders.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Michael -Monday 9th February
First up... The most recent updated concepts of the Reaper as well as a few new art pieces. The newer art pieces show how the player will hear the reaper when it is invisible as well as an image of the Reaper attacking a player. The final concept art piece shows the reaper coming out of its stealth mode.

These are the recent Exploder concept art touchups and new concept art pieces showing how exploders blow up. There is also an image depicting a diagram for how the player will hear enemies.