Friday, June 5, 2009


BETAAA!!! It was beta hand-in today and I must say that I am pretty satisfied with where we are at for the moment. There are a few cool things that are in the game. First is the particles. The particles that are not blantant placeholders look soo cool. The one I am most impressed with has to be the Mortar. When you are chilling out on one side of the level and you see a blue thing being lobbed in your direction from the other side of the level, you can't help but be impressed!

My main focus for a while now though has been trying to fix random bugs and crashes. As with all software development cycles, you fix one bug and a whole lot more end up rearing their ugly heads. This will probably be my focus for the rest of the development. This, and random AI stuff as well, including getting the Mother to swipe at the player when it is near them, and also have the Reaper swipe when it makes no sense to lunge. There are still some issues with animation blending which Im confident can be fixed. The environment artist also wants AI agents to push things out of their way because it looks "cool." We'll see what I can do. Until next time, later days.

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