Just incase anyone missed what i wrote on the whiteboard, i have set up a forum so we can all keep in contact after the course has finished, the URL is:
Greetings Command.
For the past several weeks i have been doing all kinds of crazy random things for the project, from creating particle debris objects too further LOD'ing all my objects.
I enjoy doing small parts for loads of diffrent parts of the game, keeps things alot more intresting rather then working on one long boring thing.
Now that most of the art stuff is finished, the work load has become alot lighter which is nice, since the game gold is due in four days we cant add anymore new assets, due to time restrants, but all our planned assets for the enviroment, plus extra have been creating ;)
Im looking forward to the final build on friday, as our game is already quite fun to play and with the final annoying bugs knocked out i think we will have a solid fun game, especially in multiplayer.