Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week 2 post :)

During our second week we have been working pretty hard on ironing out the rough areas of our game. In particular, we spent a huge amount of time talking about possible weapon systems; from having the typical FPS weapons to having different ammo upgrades to having 12 totally different weapons to having the gun be a part of you and then back to having different ammo upgrades. Finally though we worked out a system that seems like it would work best, were we upgrade our weapons by absorbing the enemies or finding weapon blueprints.
We also spent a lot of time trying to get the back-story to make sense. I'm still not sure if it does

I myself have spent most of the week working on the Level Design section of the GDD. Tim helped a lot with this section as well, and I guess so did a lot of other people who stopped by to offer their suggestions on level design.I'm done with the level design for now but I know the map will be changed probability countless times before we get to actually making it.We got a lot of helpful feed back from the tutors and they seem pretty happy with how we're working.
So far I'm still having fun with this project, I don't think I'll get sick of this game for a long time.

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