(A real help for environment artists placing building "Gore RIG" components)
$coordinateDump = ( `internalVar -userWorkspaceDir` + "dump.txt" );
$fileId=`fopen $coordinateDump "w"`;
string $objects[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($item in $objects)
if(endsWith($item, "_G"))
select -r $item;
float $XYZ[] = `objectCenter -gl`;
fprint $fileId ($item + " ");
fprint $fileId ("[" + $XYZ[0] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[1] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[2] + "]");
fprint $fileId ("\r\n");
select -r $item;
float $XYZ[] = `objectCenter -gl`;
fprint $fileId (":");
fprint $fileId ($item + " ");
fprint $fileId ("[" + $XYZ[0] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[1] + ", ");
fprint $fileId ($XYZ[2] + "]");
fprint $fileId ("\r\n");
fclose $fileId;
I also moved on to some highpoly work, to get ready to cage and bake for a character

to the moon~!
Nice detail. This game looks as if the art will be top notch :). I don't have any idea as to what the game is, but at least the art will be good.