"Captains Log 9/2/09"
First up... The most recent updated concepts of the Reaper as well as a few new art pieces. The newer art pieces show how the player will hear the reaper when it is invisible as well as an image of the Reaper attacking a player. The final concept art piece shows the reaper coming out of its stealth mode.

These are the recent Exploder concept art touchups and new concept art pieces showing how exploders blow up. There is also an image depicting a diagram for how the player will hear enemies.

I finally managed to gain faster internet access from school so as promised here are the latest pieces of concept art I have done.
First up... The most recent updated concepts of the Reaper as well as a few new art pieces. The newer art pieces show how the player will hear the reaper when it is invisible as well as an image of the Reaper attacking a player. The final concept art piece shows the reaper coming out of its stealth mode.

These next few pieces of art show a touched up concept as well as a new concept showing how the queen shoots and spews out exploders.

These are the recent Exploder concept art touchups and new concept art pieces showing how exploders blow up. There is also an image depicting a diagram for how the player will hear enemies.

The next few images show some weapon concept designs. Weapons shown are the Machine Gun, Mine Layer, Rocket Launcher, Shot Gun, and Sniper Rifle.

The last image here shows the alien marker that the player will seek during the day in order to determine where the enemies are going to come from.

Well thats all the concept work for now. Next up will be images of models for the enemies starting with the place holder enemies.
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